Our clinic visit on Thursday went well. I had baked some ginger bread cookies in the shape of stars and angels and my friend Mel kindly helped me ice them. I took them in for all the staff who have done so much for us and we also gave Dr Margaret and Donna a special christmas cake each. Such small offerings for such amazing and caring people who give Auden and Oscar so much love in amongst the chaos and the care - how can anyone adequately say thank you. It was such a wonderful thing to be able to say thank you, however small, and very emotional as well.
If any time of the year is special for children its Christmas and it was so hard walking past the Camperdown Ward, thinking of the children and their families and knowing something of how they may be feeling. Last year I remember helping put up the Christmas decorations with the nurses on the ward and it felt strange walking past them this year.
So we were glad to have our visit over, to have given back in some small way to the people who spend their every day giving so much of themselves to the care of sick children and to know that we are so blessed to be spending Christmas at home with our boys and with Oscar doing so well.
I have never been this excited about Christmas, except maybe as a little kid. I just can't wait. I love every minute of it. I took Auden to the shops this morning and there was a queue a mile long for Bakers Delight and just rushing chaos and queues everywhere and all I could think was - I love the energy, enthusiasm and pure indulgence that everyone throws at Christmas. I just love, love, love it after having spent a lot of time around the hospital where there is inevitably so much stagnation.
I felt so joyful I could burst and then when I got home the heavens opened up and Oscar did his rain dance and eventually convinced Auden to join him. Life doesn't get any better than this and tomorrow most of Pete's family and my family are coming to our house for a wonderful celebration. I don't know how we are so blessed but I am just bursting to share it with everyone.
Take care beautiful people, thanks for checking in on us and may you have a safe, happy and peaceful day tomorrow with the people you love.