Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oscar's in Remission

Oscar is in remission!

What does this mean? Well, from a medical point of view, it means at this point in time there are no blast (leukemic) cells in his bone marrow. This is generally what they need to see at this stage in his treatment. It also means he stays on the standard treatment protocol. This is a huge relief for us as we are glad for Oscar that he will not have to have any more aggressive treatments than the ones he is currently enduring. It's hard to imagine something more aggressive than what he is currently going through so we feel very grateful. Also, the long term side effects are less severe, so all in all, its good news for Oscar.

So now we are focusing on keeping Oscar in remission and doing everything we can to keep him out of hospital, healthy, happy and living a relatively normal life. His temperature has settled and we feel confident that he is coping today with the new chemo treatment. He really is amazing and resilient and keeps fighting back and we are very proud of him.

Being at home isn't just about convenience - he is happier here and when he is happy he is healing. Since we came home he has continually improved so we are doing all we can to keep him here.

Whatever the statistics, the medical science and the comparative analysis the doctors wish to throw our way we know that Oscar has the fight in him to get through this. It is nice to know that he is staying on the least invasive treatment and in this moment of "now" we feel incredible gratitude for this.

There are many young children going through similar procedures and treatments for cancer and wishing for some positive news so we send them and their parents all our thoughts and feel deeply blessed that today is a good day for Oscar.

We also thank you again for your thoughts and prayers - people power works and Oscar is lucky that so many people are sending him positive vibes. Keep sending them his way please - he is a good receiver.


  1. Such fantastic news. Oscar is certainly a child capable of manifesting miracles. So are the rest of his family. Happy light and love to you all, Lis and Tilda.
    ps. my mobile charger is broken so no mobile until the new charger arrives in the next few days. xxoo

  2. Hooray Oscar, you little fighting fish! Onward and upward.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Peregrine Pelican and his friends have been keeping their fingers and toes crossed for Oscar. This is actually quite hard with feathers and webbed feet and has resulted in some spectacular crash landings on the river. A big feathered hug to Oscar and Auden for coping so well with everything...oh and Mum and Dad can have one too.
    Love from the Kalinda Road Pelicans

  4. WOOHOO!!! Great news, can't wait to catch up with you all.
    Weiry & Mandy

  5. such great news. have been waiting to hear but somehow missed this post. hugs to you all as you continue this journey. x
