Monday, August 23, 2010

Platelets too low for treatment today

Today Oscar's blood results prevented him from having the chemo and 6 hour drip they were hoping to give him. His platelets were too low - they needed to be at least 50 and were 47. It took 4 hours just to find this out. We will be back in clinic again on Wednesday and hope his blood results are good enough to go ahead.

For those who are interested his blood results were:
Haemoglobin: 102 (normal 120-160)
White cell count: 3.6 (normal 5 - 10)
Neutrophils: 2.6 (the highest they have ever been and no longer neutropenic)
Platelets: 47 (normal 150-300, transfusion required when they drop below 20)

Don't ask me how the platelets are going to go up without a transfusion as I have no idea, especially as I am still giving him chemo each night (which kills blood cells and platelets) but we will wait and see. I'll update you Wednesday.

Keep sending us the positive vibes. Oscar loves receiving them.


  1. Big hugs Oscie! And some special ones for Mum and Dad too.Tough day Cind. All the best for Wednesday.xx

  2. Feathery hugs from Peregrine and Percival Pelican and friends. Kisses a bit more difficult with the large beaks!!
