Oscar's blood results were good today except for his neutrophils which are still at zero. We need his neutrophils to get up to a minimum of 0.5 before next Wednesday when he is scheduled to have his important bone marrow biopsy. All the other blood levels are good to go for Wednesday so I am sure his body will do what it needs to do to get the neutrophils up so he can have the biopsy and move onto the next phase of treatment, known as 'Block M'.
Block M requires 3-5 day stays in hospital fortnightly for two months. If all goes according to plan we will be admitted into hospital on Wednesday 22nd ready to start the drip of chemo at 6am on Thursday 23rd. That drip goes for 24 hours and is coupled with a special vitamin and fluids to help his kidneys excrete the chemo. We will be discharged when his kidneys have done their job which varies from 3-5 days but we are expecting it to be 5 for Oscar with his kidney's. Anything can happen though (and tends to) so we hope for the best and go with the flow.
Today's blood results:
Haemoglobin: 118 (normal is 120-160)
White cell count: 1.7 (normal 5-10, and need to stay above 1.5 for bone marrow to go ahead)
Neutrophils: zero (thinking positive thoughts that they are at least 0.5 please)
Platelets: 262 (normal 150-300) - very happy that they have remained strong this week
We will be staying in seclusion while Oscar has no neutrophils but we will be sure to fit in as much fun as we can. Please keep thinking those positive thoughts and have a great weekend.
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