Monday, December 3, 2012

Birthday Boys

Its been a magical time in this house as the boys both celebrated their birthdays.

Oscar spent the actual day of his birthday very sick vomiting but we savoured the joy of cuddling up on the lounge and just being. There's nothing in this world that can stop us enjoying a day that has magical qualities for me - the air seems fresher, the light sparkles...everything just seems more vivid and treasured and blessed when we focus on Oscar's special day.

The birthday party was full of pirates, treasure, adventure and...well, total chaos. Auden had ten of his friends from preschool and Oscar just wanted his two special friends - Toby and Timmy.

Auden got his first bike with pedals for his birthday. He wanted an orange and black one and we were lucky to find exactly that at our local Target store. He is in raptures over it. The other big event for Auden was that we had agreed many months ago that when he turned 5 years old he would give up his dummy. He wanted to tie it to a balloon and let it fly up into the sky. Of course, in all the party prep, sickness, work crazyness that is life with kids at birthday time I forgot all about this and didn't have a balloon prepared so I suggested he could have his dummy for one more night but Auden was very definate that he was never going to sleep with his dummy again so he just gave it to me and went off to bed.

The day of Auden's birthday was also the first day that Oscar had been back at Preschool - so they both got to celebrate their birthdays at Preschool on the same day, which they thought was pretty great.

Oscar has been consistently unwell and has missed a lot of Preschool this term which has made working and everything else a bit of a struggle but we are getting through it with our sense of humour in tact. Next year it is our great wish to see Oscar just 'being' 4 - running, playing with friends and all that other fun stuff that we get glimpses of in between his rounds of sickness. Today we await the results of his urine test and we are sending the positive vibe out there that it comes back negative and that there is no need for any more intervention of the medical kind in that regard. Thursday we see the Asthma specialist, next Tuesday we have his kidney function test and next Wednesday is check up day. He troops along as best he can but I have to admit it is hard work for him at the moment. So, happy birthday Oscar Frederick and I promise you again - life gets better than this - it really does!

The actual birthday party was particularly chaotic as I had been up all night with Oscar and my brain could not think clearly. After the party finished and everyone went home I realised I had forgotten a couple of the games I had prepared. I was telling Pete how annoyed I was with myself and Pete had replied that you can't expect to be a super mum. Auden, who was colouring in and overheard piped up and said:
"None of us are super anything. We are all just people."
Ah, the simple, sublime and superior wisdom of a five year old. Love, love, love it. Happy Birthday Auden - you are such a wise and wonderful being.

Finally, today Pete and I are celebrating the 12th anniversary of our marriage. Happy Anniversary to my gorgeous huband.

Thanks for checking in on us and love to you and all your families. x

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